Julie Leeson

Gifted Intervention Specialist

(216) 692-0099 x571316

Dr. Rachael Seifert

Gifted Coordinator

216-692-0086 ext. 571316  

image og multi color hand prints on a white background

Gifted Education

Richmond Heights believes that by tapping into a student's potential, the possibilities are limitless. To accomplish this, the Richmond Heights Local Schools Instructional Network for Gifted Students via our P.R.O.P.E.L. program strives to:

  • Enrich students experience

  • Enhance students lives

  • Provide Experiences outside of the general Curriculum

  • Challenge their ability

"Gifted by the state of Ohio standards means students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment and who are identified under division (A),(B),(C), or (D) of section 3324.03 of the Revised Code.

The decision to admit a student to Kindergarten early ( not age 5 by September 30, but before January 1) is one we take seriously and follow the guidelines of the State of Ohio. Evaluations will be scheduled after registration has been completed. Requests can be made to the Principal and or Registrar's Office.

Gifted Services Resources

Referral for Gifted Testing, Identification, and/or Acceleration Form

Gifted 101


A Bright Child or a Gifted Learner?

High Achiever, Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker


ODE Resources for Parents of Gifted Children

Gifted Program Brochure National Association for Gifted Children

OAGC Parent Handbook

Parent Resources for Giftedness

For information regarding the following items, please contact the Gifted Education department for further details.

Parent Notification of Assessment

Parent Permission to Participate in P.R.O.P.E.L.

Gifted Appeals

Permission to Assess for Gifted

Gifted Newsletters

Enrichment Group Newsletters